
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find research and planning construction evidence, and evaluation for my AS foundation portfolio.

Friday 7 October 2011


Reasons for design:
  • Made us of numerous shapes to promote sell lines and the main image.
  • Use of a medium close-up in order to show models facial expression and body language.
  • Models clothing expresses some articles within the magazine, also allows audience to relate to the nature of the magazine.
  • Use of shapes gives the cover a collage effect, contrasts other magazines 'sleek' look.
  • Sell lines relate to one subject, differs to other magazine, however, this is due to the magazine being a special edition.
  • Colours are exaggerated to reflect nature of magazine.
  • My choice of colour amplifies the magazine 'teen vibe'.
  •  Smart font used to contrast colour scheme, adds a more sophisticated
  • Colours used make this magazine unique to others.
  • The bright and bold colours stand out to the target audience and makes them more likely to pick it up and check it out.
  • Models wearing clothes that are popular amongst target audience, giving them an idea of the contents of the magazine and how they'll be able to relate.
  • Language used such as 'Banter,Freshies' used as it is also popular amongst the audience which reiterates how the magazine is built for them.
  • Choosing the name 'Banter' means that people are actually already familiar with the word/name, making it easy for them to remember.
  • Sell lines include particular topics which the audience will find both interesting and helpful, which again will attract attention, and increase likelihood of my product drawing attention. 

Friday 16 September 2011

Photography Composition

Flat Plans.

My magazine is called 'Fresh', i chose this name as i starting thinking of us being freshies, so i just shortened the word down to fresh, so people still understand what it means, however, it has almost a double meaning, as fresh kind of makes you think of some flash and new, which my magazine is!

The colour scheme i used consisted of a orange, red and a dark gray colour, the reason i chose these colours is because i see the colours as being modern, bright and attractive when combined together, it catches readers eyes, making them more likely to pick up and read the magazine, the colours are both bright and bold, which contrasts against the dark grey background i selected.

The way i chose to layout the magazine is in order to attract the readers attention to the main sell points, as that's considered to be the article readers would most wish to read about, i did this by placing the the smaller sell points around the main, which shows its importance. However, in order to attract the readers attention to the smaller sell points i placed them within banner like shapes, coloured in orange, which also will attract the readers attention, and also give the magazine more of an organised and professional feel.

All the contents were based around college life, however, with a greater aim towards the 'freshies' of QE. Within the contents is content i believe that the readers will find interesting and also articles they may be able to recieve advice or help from. The articles range from 'Find the way around your day' to 'Guide to girls', i believe its good to have a lot of variety in the content, in order to appeal to a more varied audience.

Ive chosen to shoot the character in a position that gives the reader a view from his side, and can quite clearly tell that he's gesturing to someone, however, the angle makes it so you cant see who he's doing it to, allowing us to get away with having a single person in the shot. Making the shot medium allows the reader to see enough detail without it being a close up, and far enough away to see the upper half of the persons body.

The font size i used is relevant to the importance of the sell point, for example, the main sell point is in a large font, the masthead is even bigger and in a font of its own, as its the title of the magazine and will remain the same through every issue.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Magazine Covers & Contents.

I like how the whole front cover is themed around 'Captain America', the way the background is the American flag makes it all come together.

There are only a few sell lines, 'CAPTAIN AMERICA' is the main sell line.

They also mention specific articles within the magazine that relate to the main sell line 'Sci-fi special'.

I like how the bar code is tilted on its side, making it seem as if it isn't there almost.

I like how the whole organization of the front cover makes it look 'trashy' however, that's not the case.

The main sell line is really in your face with all the famous faces gathered around, which is really eye catching.

There isn't many other sell lines in place and its overtaken by the main sell line, other than that, i like the addition of the posters based at the footer.

The bar code is bigger than usual, however, it holds more information underneath, whereas most other don't.

There is tonnes of information on this contents page,
i like how the bigger sell lines are set with a photo next to them, giving us an insight as to what to expect.

The other page information is listed on the right hand side. with categories in place to find what you want, i like the way the categories are highlighted and coloured differently.

Its evident that this is the same contents page belong to the front cover as they've used the same yellow/black colour scheme.

The bigger sell lines here are incorporated with one another, and right in the middle of the page, which i think attracts a lot of attention, which is good as the story your probably looking for is there.

 I like how the images overlap, and almost makes it look like a collage, which i think looks pretty cool.

The other contents border around the images which highlight the main stories, however, they are still listed in such a fashion that makes them easy to scan over and find what you want

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Preliminary exercise: Using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock- up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate your grasp of DTP.

Main task: The front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.

A  minimum of 4 images must be used. All images and graphics must be produced by the candidate.