
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find research and planning construction evidence, and evaluation for my AS foundation portfolio.

Friday 7 October 2011


Reasons for design:
  • Made us of numerous shapes to promote sell lines and the main image.
  • Use of a medium close-up in order to show models facial expression and body language.
  • Models clothing expresses some articles within the magazine, also allows audience to relate to the nature of the magazine.
  • Use of shapes gives the cover a collage effect, contrasts other magazines 'sleek' look.
  • Sell lines relate to one subject, differs to other magazine, however, this is due to the magazine being a special edition.
  • Colours are exaggerated to reflect nature of magazine.
  • My choice of colour amplifies the magazine 'teen vibe'.
  •  Smart font used to contrast colour scheme, adds a more sophisticated
  • Colours used make this magazine unique to others.
  • The bright and bold colours stand out to the target audience and makes them more likely to pick it up and check it out.
  • Models wearing clothes that are popular amongst target audience, giving them an idea of the contents of the magazine and how they'll be able to relate.
  • Language used such as 'Banter,Freshies' used as it is also popular amongst the audience which reiterates how the magazine is built for them.
  • Choosing the name 'Banter' means that people are actually already familiar with the word/name, making it easy for them to remember.
  • Sell lines include particular topics which the audience will find both interesting and helpful, which again will attract attention, and increase likelihood of my product drawing attention. 

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