
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find research and planning construction evidence, and evaluation for my AS foundation portfolio.

Friday 20 April 2012

Post 2 - Starting my research and developing my practical skills

I'll begin my advanced portfolio in media by researching the marketing campaign for the film Battleship which was recently released. I'll be looked at all of the marketing methods used and how the trailer, posters and magazine covers each boasted a USP (Unique Selling Point). As well as how they signify the genre and had similar stylistic traits. Then using the Film Education Website I will have a go at creating my very own trailer for the film employing my recently acquired knowledge about film marketing.

Post 1 - The Brief

Post 4 - Making a Trailer

What is the USP of the film Battleship?

I'd say that the unique selling point of Battleship consists of a mix of both the cast and the soundtrack used throughout the film. The cast features a well known actor, Liam Neeson alongside the music superstar Rihanna whom both help to attract a different audience, expanding the films possible profit. The music consists of the popular genre of music 'Dubstep' as well as many other sub genres of dance/electronic music which appeals to a specific audience.

Who might be the chosen audience?

I went to Pearl and Dean film guides to find out what Battleships comparable profile is, which turned out to be the film Battle: Los Angeles;

The audience consists of mostly male (80%). Distinctly middle class based around the age of 15-24, this being due to most of the USP's of Battleship which attracts this audience.

What might appeal to this audience?
  • Sexual References (Rihanna?)
  • Violence
  • Action
  • Fast paced editing
  • CGI
  • Aggression 
  • Guns
  • Villians (antagonists)